

Title Author Geographic Scope
A Quantitative Climate-Match Score for Risk-Assessment Screening of Reptile and Amphibian Introductions van Wilgen et al. California, Florida
Alien Plant Ranking System Southwest Exotic Plant Information Clearinghouse (SWEPIC) Southwest
Climate and pH Predict the Potential Range of the Invasive Apple Snail (Pomacea insularum) in the Southeastern United States Byers et al. Southeast
Galveston Bay Invasive Species Risk Assessment Project Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Texas
University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences (IFAS) Assessment – Predictive Tool Gordon et al. Florida
Predicting Invasive Plants in Florida Using the Australian Weed Risk Assessment Gordon et al. Florida
Predicting Risk of Invasion of Macroalgae in the Genus Caulerpa in Florida Glardon et al. Florida
Ranking Invasive Exotic Plant Species in Virginia Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation Virginia
Revisions of the Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (FISK) for its Application in Warmer Climatic Zones, with Particular Reference to Peninsular Florida. Lawson et al. Florida
Texas Invasive Plant Inventory Texas Invasive Plant and Pest Council (TIPPC) Texas
Zebra Mussels in South Carolina: The Potential Risk of Infestation South Carolina Zebra Mussel Task Force South Carolina
A Tale of Four “Carp”: Invasion Potential and Ecological Niche Modeling DeVaney et al. North America
An Ecological Risk Assessment of Non Native Boas and Pythons as Potentially Invasive Species in the United States Reed United States
An Invasive Species Assessment Protocol Natureserve North America
Can Invasive Burmese Pythons Inhabit Temperate Regions of the Southeastern United States? Dorcas et al. South
Conceptual Model Development for Invasive Species and a Regional Risk Assessment Case Study: the European Green Crab, Carcinus maenas, at Cherry Point, Washington, USA Colnar & Landis United States
Ecological Predictions and Risk Assessment for Alien Fishes in North America Kolar & Lodge United States
Ecological Risk Screening Summary U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service United States
Generic Nonindigenous Aquatic Organisms Risk Analysis Review Process Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force United States
Invasive Species Risk Assessment Planning U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service United States
Limitations of Gravity Models in Predicting the Spread of Eurasian Watermilfoil Rothlisberger & Lodge United States
Model for a Natural Resources Agency Risk Assessment and Risk Management Process U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service United States
Predicting Invasion Risk Using Measures of Introduction Effort and Environmental Niche Models Herborg et al. North America
Predicting the Potential Invasive Distributions of Four Alien Plant Species in North America Peterson et al. North America
Risk Assessment of Potential Invasiveness of Exotic Reptiles Imported to South Florida Fujisaki et al. South
The Potential for Mitten Crab Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards, 1853 (Crustacea: Brachyura) Invasion of Pacific Northwest and Alaskan Estuaries Hanson & Systma United States
Thermal Tolerance Experiments Help Establish Survival Probabilities for Tilapia, a Group of Potentially Invasive Aquatic Species.  Wilson et al. United States
Weed Risk Assessment for Aquatic Plants: Modification of a New Zealand System for the United States Gordon et al. United States

This information is meant to serve as a starting point for determining the invasion risk of aquatic species and should not be seen as an endorsement of any particular resource.